Monday, 29 September 2014

Most Expensive Country to Study in is...

According to an HSBC report published in September 2014, Australia is the most expensive.

The total annual cost (university fees and cost of living) was put at USD42,093. This compares to USD35,045 in the UK.

Want your own personal university admissions councillor to help you apply to study in the UK - use our consulting service.

Oxford - Over 60 Scholarships avaliable

Oxford Graduate Scholarships

Over 60 scholarships are available for 2015-16

More about the scholarships here:

More about: the University of Oxford on Go Enrol.

Friday, 26 September 2014

How large is Harvard's endowment fund?

Answer: $36.4 billion!

This is the number reported in the Financial Times in September 2014.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Quiz - how well do you know Cambridge?

Fun quiz put together by Cambridge News which tests your knowledge of Cambridge.

You can take the quiz on their website.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

£310 Million a Year Misspent on Tuition

That is just in the UK and just undergraduates. It doesn't take into consideration the living, accommodation etc expenses which go into living whilst studying.

Find our more and what we are doing about it in our blog post for the RSA.

Monday, 8 September 2014

£450 Million 65-acre Campus

Swansea University is investing £450 million in a new campus. It is being built in Neath Port Talbot.

My Little Pony Conference

GBP400 was spent by the University of Brighton on a conference about My Little Pony.

Find out more about the University of Brighton

Oldest University in the World

The oldest university in the world - which has continued to work since it started - is the University of al-Qarawiyyin in Fez, Morocco. It was founded in 859 AD.

Photo credit: Khonsali

What is this blog?

So, for those of you who already know and use Go Enrol you'll know that we already have a blog in which we provide updates and insights into what Go Enrol is doing.

This blog is for those fun facts we come across which aren't suitable for the more corporate blog. The world of education is full of incredible events and findings. It is ever changing. Yet the past remains remarkable. So, we'll be throwing out dates, facts, names and a host of other bits of information which we found interesting.

If you have ideas for what should be included, email us at ideas[at] or Tweet us @goenrol

Oh and don't forget to discover, compare and enrol on academic courses round the world, check out out website.